Physical Development

** For photos or graphics, we recommend using images that display students engaging in activities and exercises that focus on physical development **

Image 1:


Caption 1: Children learn at different rates and there are big differences between the developmental landmarks of a 3-yr-old, 4-yr-old and 5-yr-old. A good preschool dance program separates these ages to provide quality, developmentally appropriate learning experiences.

It's also important to know that while one student may enter class with advanced physical skills for their age, their language skills may be further behind. Alternatively, another student in the same class may have more developed cognitive skills but may need more support when it comes to social skills.

With our Leap 'N Learn curriculum, we provide opportunities for all students to develop and succeed across all these areas. Instead of placing the same expectations on all students, our curriculum classes allow each child’s unique strengths to shine through.

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Caption 2: 🪁 Safely and effectively building movement skills for 3-6 year olds doesn't have to be hard... 🪁

At our studio, we invest in a high quality curriculum like Leap 'N Learn so that we can equip our teachers with the tools to leave class feeling fresh, not frazzled.

It's important to channel the energy of our little dancers in a smart and effective way - one that allows them to develop physically but also have fun.

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Caption 3: Ballet education is a layering process. Over time, more complexity is threaded into positions and steps, and movements are refined into what we come to know as the strong and graceful form of ballet.

With Leap 'N Learn training, our teachers understand the importance of carefully sequenced exercises that don't push little bodies too soon. We're all about setting up the foundations for success, and that means we let our kids be little.

From their very first plié in parallel, we're there to guide each dancer to develop both physical skills, conceptual understandings, and the confidence to last them a lifetime.

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Image 4:


Caption 4: With our Leap 'N Learn curriculum, we introduce children to ballet in developmentally appropriate ways. You won't see young children at the barre, or even using that much (if any) turnout. Why?

Because we value the precious bodies of our students and we know a thing or two about laying the foundations for positive physical development.

As Beverly Spell, master teacher, creator of Leap 'N Learn, and co-creator of Training Turnout in Tiny Dancers with Lisa Howell @theballetblogofficial, says, "Ballet begins in parallel".

We build up strength before working in rotation. We ensure our dancers can find stability on their standing leg before getting them to do things there. We build cross-body patterning to stimulate brain and nervous system development. We create healthy movement pathways that will prevent injury and ensure our dancers are set for success when things get more complex later on in their ballet training.

So rest assured if your little dancer is standing in class with "two feet like train tracks", that they're experiencing the best introduction to ballet for their age.

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Image 5:


Caption 5: Our ballet classes don't use a barre until around 7-8 years old, and there's a few reasons why.

💎 facing a barre and staring into a wall isn't the most engaging experience

💎 working without a barre introduces the importance of the supporting leg

💎 we believe in teaching whole body movements, not steps

💎 barre work should begin when students are developmentally ready

With our Leap 'N Learn curriculum, we teach center barre, without the barre until about age 7. We build the important foundational technique through carefully sequenced, age-appropriate exercises that are based on children's developmental needs.

So if your little dancer is not yet using the barre, you can rest assured that this is one of the best ways for your child to begin their dance journey.

#leapnlearn #childhooddance #preschooldance #danceeducation #danceteacher #dancestudioowner #barre #balleteducation

Caption 6:

If you peek into some of our dance classes, you might find students crawling. Why?

We make sure our little dancers never miss out on crucial developmental skills. Crawling is a stepping stone to walking, but just because our students are walking, doesn't mean they should stop crawling.

Crawling develops and enhances balance, cognition, problem-solving skills, and coordination, while naturally strengthening fascial slings. It's also super fun!

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Caption 7: Sure, developmentally appropriate dance classes are important... but so many of them miss the mark. And learning dance technique is important, but skill and drill teaching isn't how children learn best.

The best dance classes honor traditional dance technique by harnessing benefits of developmentally appropriate programming.

In our studio, children will learn how to plié, passé and curtsey, and spend time crawling, spinning, and cross-body tapping. The Leap 'N Learn curriculum strikes the perfect balance between teaching children the steps they need to know in dance, and the developmental skills needed to achieve success in the studio and in life.

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Image 8:


Caption 8: Our Leap 'N Learn curriculum helps our teachers build exceptional ballet technique for children aged 3-7 years, all without the use of a ballet barre.

There's so much more potential for learning and excitement when you're free to move.

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Caption 9: Factoring in our students' physical development into our preschool classes is so important. But why?

All bodies are different, so a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work.

Students also have completely different developmental rates. Some might still be working on fine motor skills but have excellent coordination. Another may have gross motor skills down-pat but still be working on their fine motor skills.

Our Leap 'N Learn curriculum takes all of this into consideration and gives opportunities for our students to hone in on what they're good at - alongside opportunities to grow and develop at their own pace.

#leapnlearn #kidsdance #preschooldance #danceteacher #dancestudio #dancestudioowner #balletcurriculum #preschooldancecurriculum #dance #dancecurriculum

Caption 10:

Crawling, natural deep squats, and tummy time... there's so much more to early childhood dance than pliés.

Our Leap 'N Learn focused classes promote the harmonious development of strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility through age-appropriate exercises that get kids moving, thinking, and imagining!

#leapnlearn #dancecurriculum #preschooldance #childdevelopment

Caption 11:

Looking to the animal kingdom opens up a whole world of possibilities to build our students’ strength, balance and coordination.

🐧 penguin waddles

🐻 bear, 🦆 duck, or 🦀 crab walks

🐱 cat stretches

🦩 flamingo retirés

We want our little dancers to have fun with their physical development, this means using your imagination is a big part of our dance education.

#leapnlearn #dancecurriculum #danceteachertraining #danceeducation #preschooldance #childdevelopment