Creative Movement

** For photos or graphics, we recommend using images that display the students interacting with creative movement and pretend play. You should also include students interacting with each other and their teachers. **


Caption 1: It isn't creative movement if your students aren't making choices.

As Beverly Spell, the creator of our Leap 'N Learn curriculum says, "Creative movement is teacher framed but student led."

Effective creative movement should be intentional and purposeful, and it must also enable and encourage decision-making.

As teachers, we provide a framework or the parameters for the activity, but then it's up to our students to choose how to respond to the framework.

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Caption 2: It's important to find balance between technique and creative movement. 🌟 But how do we do that?

It's a question we love to hear, because it tells us that our teacher understands that dance is a whole lot more than just technique, and that creative movement is important too.

The thing is, you don't have to revert to boring drill and skill teaching for students to develop secure technique and strong foundations. And creative movement doesn't have to be fluffy and lacking purpose (if it is, you're doing it wrong). In fact, these are two of the biggest issues we see in early childhood dance education.

With our Leap 'N Learn curriculum, our teachers know how to find that balance... and the secret is pretend play. When technique is taught properly and playfully, you'll see a massive shift in your students and in your studio.

We strike the perfect balance with Leap 'N Learn in our classes.

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Caption 3: We've learned that in order to keep our preschool classes running smoothly, we need to move through our exercises quickly. Why?

Because our little dancers take in so much of the world around them.

Working through exercises quickly gives them a chance to absorb little bits at a time without feeling overwhelmed or confused. The key is to revisit the exercise each week until they feel comfortable and confident doing it on their own.

The Leap 'N Learn method is all about setting students up for success by giving them bite-sized and digestible content.

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Caption 4: We do creative movement the Leap 'N learn way and here's what that looks like...

🌟creative dance is teacher-framed and student-led

🌟imagination and pretend play is used to create a framework, then we encourage students to make decisions and problem solve

🌟we connect creative movement to specific themes or objectives from the lesson

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Caption 5: Even though the Leap 'N Learn curriculum is created for ballet foundations, it's more versatile than you may think.

Our LNL classes give students the opportunity to try out movements from a bunch of different styles so that when it comes time to try out style-based classes, they've already got some foundations.

Paint splatter exercises can be transitioned into hip hop isolations. Jumps can transition to jazz. Tiptoe walks can turn into tap steps.

We love cultivating well-rounded dancers and our curriculum has acted as the first step in getting our dancers familiar with all of the movements they might need later on.

#leapnlearn #preschooldance #dancecurriculum #balletcurriculum #jazzdance #kidshiphop #kidstapdance #danceteacher #dancestudio #dancestudioowner #danceteachertips