The marketing library is there to make your life easier! Easily find content, copy and information you can re-purpose for your own social media, website or communication about Leap ‘N Learn.
Each post below is sorted into 4 categories (Child Development; Theory and Methods; Curriculum and Class; Teaching and Learning) and grouped by topics within those main categories. Each topic post contains multiple caption copy examples and some corresponding shareable images.
Note: We recommend using your own images and branding where possible but we have provided some image/graphic options for you to download and share.
There are more captions than images provided. Some images could apply to multiple different copy examples within a topic or use images of your students/create your own graphics.
When sourcing your own images, we recommend thinking about what the message of each caption is and matching that to your image/graphic (or vice versa).
Captions and images provided are suggestions only. You are welcome and encouraged to adapt these examples to suit your needs.
How to use this tool:
Browse the posts in this Marketing Library or search by category or topic.
Find relevant copy and repurpose for your own use
To download any of the provided image, right click over the image and choose ‘save as’
Search marketing library: type your search term and press enter or use the ‘category’ or ‘tags’ drop down to sort posts