Meaningful Movement : Giving

Dance is about movement. On the surface, that is what Leap ‘N Learn teaches. But, it goes much deeper. In class, we instill the importance of collaboration, respect for other cultures, an appreciation for our bodies and other life lessons that promote kindness and confidence. We want our dancers to spread this positivity outside of the studio too. That’s why we’re starting a Meaningful Movement series. First up, giving back to our community!


Children are naturally altruistic, but they may not always have the opportunity or know how to help others. Even adults can feel at a loss when trying to figure out how to make a difference. However, when we empower children with ways to contribute to their community, they can feel connected to something bigger and make giving back a habit. We encourage even our youngest dancers to share their gifts and spread joy.

Giving Time

One of our favorite ways for students to give back to the community is by performing at a senior or assisted living community. Not only do the dancers get to show off what they’re learning, but the old and young generations connecting taps into wonderful benefits for both. Families can take it further by “adopting” a grandparent and forming a meaningful relationship that lasts longer. Get creative with ways for kids to use their time and talents for others — here’s a good place to find different kid-friendly projects and causes.

Giving Goods

Many of our Leap ‘N Learn studios host a drive during the holiday season for students to donate clothes, food or other items in need. We find children especially have fun picking out gifts for peers through a wish tree. Participating in the whole process can teach young ones gratitude for what they have and may take for granted. It helps take the focus from want-want-want to give-give-give. Here are good things to consider when getting kids involved in giving back.

Keep a giving mindset throughout the year, whether it’s simple deeds like shoveling a neighbor’s driveway or something more organized like hosting a fundraiser. And remember setting the example is one of the best ways for children to learn. All of our little actions add up!

We’d love to hear what our community of parents, teachers, students, families and dance studios are doing — share your community service ideas in the comments. We can inspire each other and keep the giving going. ♥

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