Importance of Pretend Play


Don’t be surprised if your child comes home pretending to be a baby bird eating a worm on a branch or flying around the room. Pretend play is at the core of our early childhood dance curriculum. It runs through all Leap ‘N Learn classes. Our dancers explore new concepts, skills and the world they live in through movement and make-believe.

Simply put, play is fun. Play is also the most effective learning mode available to children! Play prepares young children for school and life. Enhancing creativity, teaching empathy and increasing vocabulary are just a few of the many benefits. It just makes sense that teaching movement utilizing pretend play provides the best opportunities for little dancers to develop.

So encourage your baby bird. Notice how she’s exploring the concept of place. Continue to ask what she’s pretending to be in dance class — join in and let it inspire your play at home. Watch as she literally leaps and learns while she progresses in our education-based ballet program. Best of all, be happy that she’s growing in a developmentally-appropriate, joyful way.

Amanda SpellComment