Everyone is talking about the C-word... consistency!

Leap 'N Learn dance teacher sitting in circle with preschool dance students in blue tutus

Let's talk consistency.

Consistent classroom experiences are crucial to growing your studio.

It's one of the most common needs expressed by studio owners who are looking to really grow and systemize their studio, and it's massive part of what we do at Leap 'N Learn.

When it comes to providing consistent experiences, a quality curriculum is a studio owners and dance teachers best friend.

When you have an exceptional, well-organized curriculum on your side you'll see the benefits of consistency:

In class – because structure reduces uncertainty, boosts student confidence and enables powerful learning.

Across classes – you'll know that Wednesday 3:30pm kids are getting the same awesome teaching as Saturday 10am students.

As students progress through your studio – all the 7 year olds who have taken class at your studio will have been exposed to the same material, movements, concepts and learning, which means you can build their dance skills far more effectively.

In your team – following a common curriculum, teacher training, and teaching methods enables a community of practice with shared goals, while still allowing individual teachers' personalities to shine through.

Throughout your studio community – you have a vision and values, but they're not just words that get put up on the walls. A curriculum that cultivates dancers just as well as it develops dance technique becomes the backbone of your studio because it provides the shared experiences that bring your values to life. We're talking students and teachers who live, breathe and embody your studio vision... and there's nothing better than that!

But it doesn't end there…

Leap 'N Learn creator Beverly Spell leading a cross-body tapping warmup exercise with a group of students

How does a dance curriculum make running my dance studio business easier?

When it comes to running a dance studio, the consistency that a curriculum and teacher training provides is nothing but next level benefits and a whole lot more ease for you. We're talking about things like:

Never worry about what your teachers are teaching

With a curriculum that outlines what to teach and when, your teachers don't have to stress about what they're going to teach, and you don't have to worry about what they're teaching and how (... or whether someone's gone totally rogue ... 😳).

Make-up classes made easy

It also takes the stress, fuss, and disruption out of make-up classes. When all of your 4 year old classes are on the same block of learning, following the same lesson structure, and being taught with similar methods, it's not a shock for a child to come into a different class with a different teacher. And the parents love it too! Nothing says "we run a well-organized operation here" than being able to accommodate their need to change a class AND have it being a smooth, streamlined, and successful experience.

Cover teaching is a breeze

And, similarly, when a teacher calls in sick, it's not a mad panic to find someone who is capable of covering the class, and the cover teacher doesn't have to freak out about what on earth they're going to do with a group of 4-year olds.

Rinse & repeat teaching that doesn’t sacrifice quality

Once your teachers have learned the content and methods, the teaching itself becomes rinse and repeat, which leaves way more room to focus on engagement, connection, and fun! That's when you unlock a whole new level – teaching young children doesn't drain you anymore, it energizes you!

A team that supports each other and is working for you!

When your teachers are all on the same page they can support each other and troubleshoot for each other, which means you're not having to problem solve every little situation. This also means growing your team's leadership skills, which is crucial when you're building out your faculty.

No matter which way you look at it, using a quality curriculum has a flow on effect that will ripple throughout your studio. Because when things are consistent it opens up room for more certainty, more ease, and more joy.

Who doesn't want that in their studio?!

If you're keen to bring consistency into your studio, then reach out to us, or read up on what becoming a Leap 'N Learn licensed studio can do for you and your vision for your studio.