Leap 'N Learn Book Club | November Selection


Since we started our Leap 'N Learn book club off with a doozy of book that made us learn a lot last month, we thought this month's selection should be more focused on reading for pleasure. We still have the intent to learn, but this time we're going to learn about a major player in ballet by reading Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland. And we'll give our brains a well deserved break (really though, The ABCs of How We Learn should be required reading for those passionate about teaching or at least available on your studio's bookshelf for referencing).

Unless you've been living under a rock, Misty Copeland doesn't require an introduction. Even outside the dance world, she's become a household name. She motivates us plenty and is a role model to many aspiring dancers. We eat up everything she touches. That's why we have been eying her memoir since it came out in March 2014 and are happy to finally get around to reading it. We hope you'll read it along with us, if you haven't already — and if you have, check back in at the end of the month to join our discussion.


This New York Time's best seller about Misty Copeland's path to fame is widely available. Find Life in Motion at your local bookstore or library, order online, add it to your kindle, or even listen to the audiobook. That last option sounds especially appealing — you might as well spend all that time driving back and forth from the studio listening to this book, right?

P.S. The photo of Misty Copeland is from her work with Under Armour. Her original Under Armour ad still knocks our pointe shoes off every time we watch it.