Tips on Twitter — Holiday Shopping
With Christmas gift shopping on our mind this week, we wanted to talk more about how to do it all with ease! We've already given you gift ideas for dance students and dance teachers, but purchasing them in time and at the best price still can be a trick. You may also have endless others to buy for, so it's not all fun and games yet. Since the holiday season tends to get hectic when your to-do list grows even longer than normal, we figured we'd share some tips for making at least the holiday gifting parts a bit easier.
We'll be sharing all of these holiday shopping tips on Twitter, and we'd love for you to join the conversation with us there. We especially want to know what your holiday shopping tips are too! You can also ask us any of your holiday shopping and gifting questions, and we'll be sure to answer them as best we can. Please be sure to tag @leapnlearn and/or use the hashtag #LNLgifts so that we can see your tweets.
We hope this new Tips on Twitter series helps to make your life easier, and that this holiday topic lets you get back to focusing on the fun of the season!