Checking It Twice — Gift Ideas for Dance Students

We're pleased to present Leap 'N Learn's Holiday Gift Guide, Part II. Today we are focusing on gifts our dance students would be tickled to find under the tree! And our inner teachers can't help but to pick out lots of educational gifts that are so fantastic young dancers won't notice they are learning as they play, move, and have fun.

Dance Books — We love to see full bookshelves and avid readers. Contribute to building a child's library by adding books that are focused on their interests. These children's dance books are among our favorites. They help students to experience and relate to what they are learning in class through another medium.  (This ballet dictionary is ideal for ages 9+ too!)

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Make a Mask: Jungle Animals, $9.95 — Children can create their own masks, go on adventures in the jungle, and move like their favorite animals. Art, pretend play, and movement... oh my, the perfect trifecta for creative dancers! You can even add in matching jungle animal crayons

Polka Dot Sweater, $34.95 — Bundle up! This warm sweater makes the trips to and from dance class in the winter fun and cozy. And how about some cheerful polka dot socks, a tote, and scarf?  (P.S. This sweater, bag, socks, and scarf are our choices for the boys!)



Blanchine 2014 Calendar, $13.45 — Photos of famed Blanchine's choreography brought to life by New York City Ballet dancers are the perfect backdrop for dance students to keep track of their dance classes and other important events over the next year. 

Fairy Tale Shadow Puppets, $18 — Let dancers create their own imaginative stories. We picture these whimsical props leading to hours of entertainment. Just don't forget a fun flashlight



Peter and The Wolf DVD, $20 — This Royal Ballet's production will surely awe any aspiring dancer, and the music is truly enchanting. The power of professional dancers is incredibly inspiring, so any performance DVDs by The Royal Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, etc. are great gifts. Or better yet, present tickets to a local or touring ballet to create memories that will last a very long time! 

Playful Chef Deluxe Cooking Kit, $42 — Dancing requires a lot of energy and eating well keeps you fueled up. This child's cooking set provides all the tools needed in the kitchen to let dancers make smart meal choices. Start those good eating habits young! 



Band in a Box, $22.99  — Every dancer needs a good understanding of music. Dance students can make their own rhythms when practicing at home with these kid-friendly instruments. Or maybe even consider gifting piano lessons! 

Custom Pinhole Press Wire-O Notebook, $17.99 — Customize a notebook with a picture of your young dancer! They can store combinations they've learned in class, compliments and corrections from their teacher, their feelings, and pictures of what inspires them in this dance journal. Trust us, they will love it. 



Nutcracker Note Cards, $18 — Dancers must always have good manners. We are sure that little ones will be getting a lot of great loot over the holidays, so that means a lot of thank you cards will need to be written too. We think these Nutcracker notecards are perfect for the task! 

Do you know dance students that would like these holiday gifts? What else would you add to the list? We know you have wonderful ideas, and we'd love to hear from you. Please comment below!