Do you want to know more about the process of becoming a licensed Leap 'N Learn studio? The steps on this page will guide you through what to expect. The process is simple, but the rewards are immense. 

Quick tip — If you've just stumbled upon Leap 'N Learn, we recommend exploring our approach to dance education first to make sure it aligns well with the values of your dance studio (a fun place to learn more is through our Instagram account and featured member studio interviews). Leap 'N Learn holds the potential to launch your dance business to a higher level of learning and success, and we’re on the lookout for studio owners who share the same values and approach to dance education.

6 Steps to Leap 'N Learn Licensing

The six steps below outline how you can become a licensed Leap 'N Learn member studio. 

1.    Fill out an enquiry form.

2.    Join a Zoom call with our Director, Elena Lambrinos, to talk about your dance studio and goals (please keep an eye out for an email from us about scheduling this call). You'll be able to ask questions to make sure Leap 'N Learn is the right fit for your needs, and we'll be able to determine if a territory is available and if your studio is the right fit in representing our brand and standards.

3.    Sign the licensing agreement, pay the initial fee, and set up recurring fee.

4.    Receive the full Leap 'N Learn package.  Certain materials will be shipped.  Membership password access will be given for online training modules and member’s site through call or email.

5.    Have staff participate in the online training and complete final certification test out. Certifications will be issued upon completion.

6.    Begin marketing with Leap ’N Learn logo on your studio’s printed materials and website.  Leap ’N Learn will list your certified studio and staff members on their website.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Once you start this process, you'll be on the way to something amazing!